Download Ramadan 1445 Timetable from our Home Page
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A safe and welcoming community facility

South Lakes Islamic Centre

Our vision is to facilitate South Lakes to be the place of choice to raise a devout muslim family. We pray that from this community there will emerge Muslims who will be worshipful and serve their local and wider community. Such service, no doubt, stems from a deep connection with Allaah and the Prophet peace be upon him, and these connections are nurtured through our connection with the Masjid.

We also hope to provide services that will benefit our community from the cradle to the grave, with social functions around births (aqeeqah), educational events, marriages and even funeral and shrouding facilities. Please join us on this noble journey.

We aim to provide: 

  • Educational Services
  • Social & Welfare Services
  • Helping Communities
  • Leads Charity Events
Small sincere efforts lead to big lasting changes

Our Values

Worshipfulness By establishing the First Masjid, we hope to inspire and nurture worshipfulness in our children, fellow brothers, sisters and colleagues as well as elders. Worshipfulness is one of our core values, which we hope to radiate with a glow of faith and serenity from within this beautiful space, to the locals and guests alike.
Service Imbued with a deep sense of worshipfulness, our children and congregants will emerge with a new sense of purpose, wishing to serve those most in need. Service is the second one of our core values. We hope to serve by provide an open platform to those of all faiths to understand the beautiful faith of Islam. Helping also, to address today’s releant issues; including drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, diversity and inclusion, and the prevention of religious extremism.
Unity and Respect Our centre will be built upon inclusivity, unity and respect, though the direction will evidently be that of Ahl us Sunnah Wal Jamaa'a, normative and mainstream Islam, we hope to harbour a non-judgemental atmosphere of respect, so that anyone willing to seek God may feel welcome. Muslims, non-muslims, locals and tourist alike will all be welcome to our functions and learn about this beautiful faith. In the hope to enhance cohesion, mutual respect and understanding.
Prayer Timings


Please note that the Rawlinson Street & Furness General Musalla are not available at the moment.

Barrow Cricket Club

Khutbah: 1:30 PM
Salaah: 1:40 PM

Abbey Rd, Barrow-in-Furness LA13 9JS

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